The weaver

Throughout his weavings, Guillaume invites us on a journey to explore and discover the outdoor world. Found of nature and wildlife, his inspiration comes from the encounters he makes in the mountains surrounding the studio, should it be the shape of tree, the colour of a flower or the fleece of an animal. Therefore, His weavings reveal a subtil alchemy between elegance and simplicity, daring and unprecedented.

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The studio

Witnessing the birth of a cloth is like observing a growing bird or a blooming flower. Patiently, the colours settle and the pattern becomes clearer… A few yarn cones resting on a shelf turn into yards of fabric which will fly away from the studio where they were born.


Follow our creative journey, from inspiration to complete weavings, through the choice of techniques and fibers... Discover the ancient craft of hand weaving with us.


Singular weavings to any occasion

Wether spontaneous or woven on commission, each of our weavings has its story. Read it.

Écharpe grand froid
Détail des franges d’une écharpes à carreaux
Tapisserie murale sous bois à l’aube
Winter morning
Détail des franges et du motif en chevron d’une étole bleu
Lacs du Jura
Plaids sur une étagère

Our weavings available near your home

Pour jeter un œil à nos créations près de chez vous…

Affiche du salon Résonances

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Résonances - Salon Européen des métiers d’art
Du 10 au 13 novembre 2023, Tissage de Séquanie sera présent à Résonances, le salon européen des métiers d’art de Strasbourg, organisé par la Fédération régionale des métiers d’a...

Contact us

A project, an idea, a wish, a question… Get in touch with us to share it. We will answer to you gladly.
See you soon.